I thought this was a great question (and response) in today's Hungry Girl newsletter.
Hungry Girl, I've heard you talk about your so-called "trigger foods." What does this term mean? Can you explain the concept? Foodie Gurl |
| Dear Foodie Gurl, Understanding the whole "trigger foods" thing is super-important but also super-easy. Trigger foods are the ones that cause you to eat more -- foods that make you tailspin into a bit of an eating frenzy. For some, chocolate is a trigger food -- one bite and they can't stop eating chocolate all day. Not for me. I can eat a piece of chocolate, be fine, and not crave any more. Other people say ice cream is a huge trigger food -- they can easily down an entire pint in one sitting. I'm okay with ice cream. But chips and pretzels are another story altogether! Give me a handful of salty snacks and it's all over. I feel the need to inhale an entire bag of 'em without stopping to take a breath -- VERY dangerous! I always tell people to avoid their trigger foods. If you stick with foods that satisfy you but don't make you crave more and more, chances are you'll be safe from overeating. It's really that simple. Do you know what your trigger foods are? CLICK HERE NOW to see a brand-new "Hungryvision" video all about trigger foods, featuring the HG staff and me. Watch it, learn more about trigger foods, and find out how you could win cool HG stuff. REALLY, DO IT! And if you're still not sure what your trigger foods are, try writing down everything you eat for a week and see if the answer is a little clearer after that.
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