Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This is also cut from yesterday's HG newsletter. Read up :)

The Buzz...

Please take a minute to check out this list of the 272 highest-calorie fast food items. Some human spent a lot of time compiling this. (It's not 100% up-to-date, but it's still super-helpful.) It's ranked from highest to lowest, the highest being a 1,680-calorie shake and the lowest being a 700-calorie chicken sandwich. YOWZA! ***Food is great, and food that makes us more attractive is even better! A Japanese research team recently unveiled data that proves blackcurrants not only improve blood flow, but may also reduce dark circles under your eyes. AWESOME! *** D.I.Y. French-fry fanatics, you may want to pay attention. A new product called the ActiFry is now on the market and gets your spuds (and spud swaps) more fry-like than a regular old oven and with a minimal amount of oil. We tried it, and it's pretty cool! Thing is, it's basically a "unitasker" -- meaning it mainly does one thing really well and takes up a lot of space. Plus, it's SUPER-pricey. Those low-fat fries might be worth it, though... ***And finally... WE'VE HIT 800,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! The lucky winners of a year's worth of Popchips AND VitaTops EACH are Magaly (the 800,000th subscriber herself) and Nina (the awesome friend who referred her). Congratulations, you two, and get ready for some SERIOUS snacking. Now, how on Earth are we gonna outdo ourselves when we hit A MILLION subscribers?! That's all we've got. HG out!

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