Tuesday, October 25, 2011

loooooove this!

I just love Mark Bittman and anything he writes. This time, I even love what he shared from someone else. I would love to have my own restaurant someday that even came close to what this guy is asking for.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Great article here. Another chicken or the egg discussion...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Two links to share...

This particular link is incredibly poignant and timely. Have a look.

And this one starts this week in Tosa! Dining Week Guide.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vegetarian Chimichangas

I adapted a Weight Watchers recipe and made really delicious and flavorful vegetarian chimichangas.

First, take soy crumbles and cook them in a pan with a little oil. After a few minutes, add your favorite taco seasoning (I used Penzey's) and your favorite salsa (I used Chi Chi's) and a little garlic.

After a few minutes of cooking together, remove from heat and add a good handful of your favorite cheese (I used shredded sharp cheddar) and stir together.

Using wheat tortillas, add a spoonful of meat/cheese mix to each tortilla and roll up so all sides are rolled in and set on greased cookie sheet seam-side down. Bake for about 30 minutes until crispy.

I served mine with fat-free sour cream, hot sauce and some green onion on top.

Monday, June 6, 2011

24 Great Light-Cooking Tips

I thought this Weight Watchers article was insightful and makes me want to try out some of the tips tonight for dinner! (hopefully the link works for you)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

newly vegetarian

I really love this article by Mark Bittman. It phrases so well how I feel and why I've recently decided to stop eating meat. Here's my favorite paragraph:

As much as we like eating animals, naturally crave them and are encouraged by misinformation (often a better word than “marketing”), the waiter’s advice — “why bother?” — holds true for at least 90 percent of the animal products we’re offered, no matter what their form. They’re produced badly, they cause immeasurable damage to both our bodies and the earth, and — compared with the real thing — they don’t taste that good.

Until the industry changes, so long meat!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaack...

Just wanted to share a fun link with everyone quick. Five Funky Food Museums. Can you say you've been to all of them? What others would you add to the list?